Why was my transfer request rejected?

Here are some of the most common reasons why your service provider may reject your number transfer request.

Incorrect information

Information that you provide in the request must be exactly the same as the records you have with your service provider. Make sure that the information in your request matches those in your billing statement. 

For a better experience, send us a copy of your billing statement so we can verify the information before sending the request to your service provider. 

Disconnected service

A number transfer request may be rejected when your number is disconnected with your service provider or is no longer in their records. For the transfer request to be completed, your number must be active during the entire transfer process.

Contact your service provider and verify the status of your account. If your number is disconnected, you may ask your provider to reactivate your number so we can proceed with the transfer process.

Your number has other associated services 

Numbers that are associated with other services may be ineligible for number transfer. Other services includes payphones, prepaid services, ISDM, line hunt, duet line, ADSL, and others. 

If you’re not sure if the number to be transferred is associated with a service, contact your service provider before sending a number transfer request.

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