How do I transfer my number to an online fax service?

Before you start

Here are some things to know before you begin this process

  1. You can only transfer your number it if meets the requirements for number transfer.
  2. Number transfer is still subject to your network provider’s approval. Not all numbers can be transferred.
  3. After submitting all the requirements, the number porting process may take up to 3 weeks.

Requirements for transferring a number

You can only transfer your number if it meets the following conditions:

  1. The number is in active status with your current service provider.
  2. Your account has no pending disconnection notice.
  3. Your number must be a “simple” number that can be processed via the Category A (Cat A) port. 

What is a simple number?

A “simple” number is generally a dedicated fax line with no enhancements or any other attached services or products such as ISDN, line hunt, duet line, among others.  

If unsure about your number type, please contact your service provider.

What do I need to submit?

Submit a copy of your latest billing statement along with a signed Letter of Authorization. 

If your number is a digital fax number, we would also need a PIN code which you can request from your current provider. 

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