Blocking Fax Delivery to Numbers that Opted Out of Receiving Fax

Before you start

Here are things to know before you begin this process.

  1. We use a blocklist to block fax delivery to numbers whose owners opted out of receiving fax. A blocklist is a CSV file that contains the numbers that we won’t be sending the fax to, even if the numbers are in the recipient list.
  2. When you select or enable blocklists in your fax broadcast, we will block the fax from being sent to numbers in your blocklists.
  3. You can add your own custom blocklist, or select from industry blocklists such as Fax Preference Service (FPS) and Do Not Call Register (DNCR). 
  4. Your custom blocklist must be a CSV file in the same format of a recipient list. Learn how to create and format a CSV file.

Adding a custom blocklist

To add your own custom blocklist, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Fax > Broadcasting > Blocklists.
  2. Select Add List and upload your CSV file. Contents in the CSV file must be in the same format of a recipient list. Learn how to create and format the CSV file.

Selecting a blocklist for your fax broadcast

You can select a blocklist for your fax broadcast before sending it. Learn how to send a fax broadcast.

To select a blocklist for your fax broadcast, select an uploaded blocklist in Blocklist Options

We will block the fax from being sent to numbers in your selected blocklists. 

Enabling industry and smart blocklists for your fax broadcast

You can enable industry and smart blocklists for your fax broadcast before sending it. Learn how to send a fax broadcast.

To enable blocklists for a fax broadcast, toggle ON the SmartBlock, FPS, or DNCR switches, respectively.

When SmartBlock is toggled ON, we will block the fax from being sent to numbers where fax delivery has repeatedly failed in the past.

When FPS and DNCR are toggled ON, we will block the fax from being sent to the numbers specified in the FPS and DNCR blocklists.

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