Viewing the Status of a Fax Broadcast

Before you start

Here are some things to know before you begin this process.

After you send a fax broadcast, we’ll begin to track and analyze the status of the broadcast. The status includes information about the delivery of the fax to the numbers in the recipient list. 

Details about the fax broadcast that you can view include:

  1. Cost—total cost of the fax broadcast.
  2. Total Records—the total number of recipients where the fax will be sent to.
  3. Success—the number of recipients where the fax was sent to successfully.
  4. Failed—the number of recipients where sending of the fax has failed.
  5. Blocked—the number of recipients where sending of the fax has been blocked.

Viewing the status of an ongoing fax broadcast

To view the status of an ongoing fax broadcast, go to Fax > Broadcasting > Active

Viewing the status of completed fax broadcasts

To view the status of completed fax broadcasts, go to Fax > Broadcasting > History.

Downloading a fax broadcast report

To download a fax broadcast report, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Fax Broadcasting > History.
  2. Selectthe gear or cog iconof a completed broadcast.
  3. Select Download Success Report to view the recipients where the fax has been sent to successfully. 
  4. Select Download Failed report to view the recipients where sending of the fax has failed and possible reasons why the sending has failed.
  5. Select Download Completed Report to view the complete details of the fax broadcast. This report includes all the numbers in the recipient list and the details of the fax delivery to each number. 

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