Adding a Team Member

Before you start

Here are things you should know before you begin this process.

  1. Only team owners and team admins can add a new team member. Learn more about roles and permissions for team members.
  2. Adding a team member will create a new account for the new member. To join the team, newly-added members need to activate their account by verifying their email address.

Adding a team member

To add a team member, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Account Settings > Team > Manage Team.
  2. Select Add Team Member.
  3. Enter the team member’s information. The email address is required and should be valid since the new member needs to activate their account using the email address.
  4. Optional: Assign roles to the new member by selecting the checkbox for Product Access, Team Admin or Finance Admin. If no product role is selected, the default role is set to Product Access. Learn more about roles and permissions.
  5. Click Invite Member. A verification email will be sent to the email address.

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